
How to Apply For Griffith University Undergraduate Scholarship

Great to hear you’re interested in scholarship at Griffith University! Applying for their undergraduate scholarship is actually very simple. In this article, we will be walking you through the steps to do just that


  1. Explore your options:

Firstly, Griffith has a range of scholarship offering for undergraduate programs, so it’s imperative to explore which ones might be best for you. It’s recommended that you browse their list of scholarships here:


Note that every scholarship comes with its own set of criteria, so you should be thorough when exploring each offering.

Some of the popular offerings are

  • Griffith Remarkable Scholarship: Open to international students with a strong academic record, offering 50% tuition fees coverage.
  • Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship: Another option for international students with high academic merit, providing full tuition fees and living allowance.
  • Equity Access Scholarships: These scholarships support domestic students from disadvantaged backgrounds to access higher education.

2.      Apply:

The crazy part is the fact that you only need to submit one application form to be considered for all scholarships you are qualified for without you having to apply to all yourself. You can access the application here:



3.      Prepare you document:

In the spirit of thoroughness, it is recommended before you start the application make sure you have all the necessary documents ready. These typically include:

  • Academic transcripts:

Official transcripts from any previous studies.

  • Curriculum Vitae or resume:

Highlight your academic achievements, work experience, and other relevant skills.

  • Personal Statement: Write a compelling essay explaining why you deserve the scholarship and how it will help you achieve your educational goals.
  • References: Two academic or professional references who can speak your abilities and potential.


4.      Meet the deadlines:

Griffith typically has several scholarship application deadlines throughout the year. Check the specific deadline for the scholarships you’re interested in and make sure to submit your application before it closes.


By following these simple steps and by showcasing your academic achievements, you raise the probability of you being chosen. Good luck!

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